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If there is one thing I learned with both my kids, its that I cant just slap any old product on their skin. Both my kids have eczema and Blake's skin is just super sensitive to anything I put on it. I am literally TERRIFIED to try out anything new on his skin because i'm never sure what new rash would pop up. Usually going with anything that claims to be "hypoallergenic" or "organic" is the safest route. But how booorrrinnngggg is that! Most of the time those products have no scent, and mama likes things that smell good 😁. Bath time became dull because I could never add any bubbles without some itchy consequences. Until I did some research and found Hello Bello. All of their products are plant based, and don't include any harsh or scary chemicals. I'm currently obsessing over the lavender body wash/ shampoo combo because it actually smells like lavender. I use the plant based baby wipes on Jagger, and his cute little butt loves me for it. Alright ladies, the BEST part about these products are they're SUPER affordable! Y'all KNOW I love a good deal. High quality products for my babies without having to break the bank?! I'll take it! You can grab the lavender shampoo/body wash by clicking "Shop Now" below. If you try it with your kiddies, leave me a comment and let me know how it worked for you! Happy shopping.

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